Give Local 757 Results

With the help of generous people near and far we received 266 donations totaling $11,512.86!

Out of 219 total non-profits who participated in Give Local 757 we placed 8th overall and we were 1st in our category- Health and 4th in the small non-profits category to win the maximum amount of 3 prizes!

Prizes Awarded to the SMPF:

The Golden Ticket 2:30 AMOne nonprofit will be randomly chosen to receive $757 at 2:30 am.

Notable Newcomer Challenge$757 awarded to the organization that is a first time participant in Give Local 757 and receives the highest number of unique donations.

The 50/50 ChallengeThe first 3 organizations to receive 50 unique donations of $50 or more will be awarded $1,000 each.

Our Prize Total equals $2514 meaning that with prizes we raised:


These are remarkable results when you consider not only the age and size of our foundation, but that this was our first year with the Give Local 757 campaign.